House of Mercy Recordings wants YOU!

House of Mercy Recordings wants YOU!

We want your talent and a wee little bit of your time.
House of Mercy Recordings has now released 25 recordings – from Charlie Parr to the House of Mercy Band to Molly Maher to the Urban Hillbilly Quartet. Selling CD’s at events helps promote our recording artists and gets some great local music out there. And the proceeds go to future recording projects and events! In addition, the many artists and musicians who collaborate on these recordings make our church community a better place.
You can be a label rep! 
Have you’ve secretly wanted to be part of the local music scene? Here’s your chance – with or without musical talent. Each Sunday, there is a merchandise table featuring HOMR CD’s, guest artist CD’s, books written by our beloved pastors, and more. We need people to volunteer to set up the table once or twice a month, and handle the transactions. If you are friendly and love music, and can do some simple math, we want you! Talk with Erik Brandt for the details:

House of Mercy Presents – Nov. 17th
Charlie Parr, Erik Brandt and Noah Reimer at the 331 Club

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